Women have been so busy lately trying to make it happen, that they've forgotten who they are. Their true feminity has been pushed to the wayside and their behavior is more male than female.
What has happened is that when we believe we need to make something happen we get the old adrenaline going, puff ourselves up, psych ourselves out and then we do it, whatever it is!
This has got to stop. Women aren't men and what we should be doing is asserting our feminity, not our animus which is the male aspect of ourselves, or our Yang which is and expression of the male energy.
Don't misunderstand, we need both to be balanced, but we've gone way beyond balance anymore and have lost or forgotten to be women.
Our power and our energy is from the waist down, in the sacral and root chakras, where the womb is, where our legs our and yes where our sex is. I don't say this to create a big stir but to share a truth that has been forgotten.
Often I hear women saying they desire a relationship, they would like their men to be more loving, they would give anything to have a relationship that works. I say in order to have this desire fulfilled, you must remember what your role is as woman.
When a woman understands her energetic self, when a woman knows where her power comes from, and knows when and how to assert it then the relationship she desires most will come.
If you have two individuals all revved up on adrenaline, how can that work. It's like having two men butting heads at a football game.
Realize that something has to give, and women's roles is to be giving, nurturing, open and receptive. I don't mean being a pushover, I mean being a woman.
Relishing your womanly self, and sharing that, not only using your aggression, but being assertive in a very feminie way. Seduction is powerful when used correctly, not glamour, anyone can be glamorous (amorous), but seduction is natural it comes from an innate, inherent instinct within and when a woman knows this and uses it correctly she can have any relationship she desires.
Women were created to be seductive, not in a silly, stupid way, but in a wise, womanly way. If you ever seen a woman who can get whatever she desires, I can assure you it isn't because she is glamorous!
We are often led to believe this is so, but if you look at the divorce rate of women who are some of the most glamorous women, how does one explain this?
Seduction is from the soul, from the heart, don't overthink love, and do know that seduction is a huge part of it.
Women must come to know themselves in a deep place and realize that to have the relationship they desire they must learn what it means to be a woman.
Pay attention to those women who have beautiful lasting relationships make one of them your "sensual mentor", study love if you must, but remember that their are specific components to having the realationship you so ardently desire. It isn't lashes and lipstick and Victoria Secret
I assure you, it's what's in your heart and how much you know about the soul of the feminine woman.