I've read so many books, experienced much of life spanning generations and what I've realized is that not much has changed, not really. I'm sure you've heard that quote/cliche "The more things change, the more they stay the same." And, you know what it's really true.
We are tribal, generational, groupies and out of the box idealist, rightist, leftist, I could go on and on, but ultimately what we are, is the same as before with a different name.
Our world culture is one based on "FEAR", and fear creates a plethora of issues that we each must deal with individually and collectively. Most importantly, when we try and come together we come together based on these same beliefs and that is how our value systems are created based on "FEAR".
Now I don't know about you, but have you taken a good look at our world recently. The governments, the monetary systems, the wars and rumors of war? Doesn't it look as if we are pretty much in the same place we were say 100 years ago? Does it look as if our beliefs have changed enough to affect what we value? Does it?
Personally, I believe as a world culture we are "STUCK"; and I'm not sure if we are going to ever come unstuck. You see what we believe is killing us, creating same worn out ideals and thus the same outcomes. It is as if we are sleep walking moving right along without a true awareness of what is going on within which has everything with what is going on without.
So what are you feeling right now? Anything!? Fear rules the majority of our choices, what we do, why we do it, when we do it and WHOM we do it to or for. The awareness of this is huge because our consciousness of the Culture of Hate that is based on Fear that this world now lives in is shifting, and when it does, the unconsciousness, the lack of awareness that so many are clothed in where will they be?
Do you see yourself in any of this? If so what are you willing to do about it to bring about a change? WHAT? No, I'm not angry just wanted to make sure you think about what you can do to bring about a conscious contribution to the difference that is made. Am I making any sense here or does this sound crazier than war, hatred, lack of empathy or compassion. Lack of beauty, peace, joy and lack of consciousness? DEATH & KILLING. Where are you? Are you here? Can you see what I see? Take off your blinders and practice something kind today, something valuable, something significant. Listen and take from what you hear what is GOOD and right in it. Use all that you are in a peaceful, generous, considerate way. Practice a random act of love and get a rush, it actually feels really wonderful, quite exhilarating; like being high without the drug of fear to fuel it.
Have a FEARLESS DAY, I dare you!
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